Enhance Your Favorite Songs with:

  Simple Syncopation
  Melodic Gap Fillers
  Creative Chord Voicing

  Simple Syncopation
  Melodic Gap Fillers
  Creative Chord Voicing

Enjoy Song From: John Denver, Billy Joel, Elton John, Hymns, Bruce Hornsby, Elevation Worship, Louis Armstrong, Dolly Parton, Lady Gaga, The Eagles, Neil Diamond, Kenny Rogers, Stevie Wonder, George Strait, The Beatles, Leonard Cohen, Michael W. Smith, Frank Sinatra, etc.

Dear (Adult) Pianist,

Will you EVER put what's in your head into your hands?

Will you EVER break free from that robotic left hand?

Will drilling scales EVER change how you sound on the piano?

These are all amazing questions... that literally nobody has the answer to.

Wouldn't it be great if someone could finally come along and fix that?

And do it in songs you love to play?

I have the answer.

You in?

If you are, then read on...


Before we get ahead of ourselves...

Who Am I & Why Should You Even Be Listening To Me?

Nice to meet you! My name is Nik!

I'm a piano teacher with a Civil Engineering degree (just in case I couldn't do music for a living).

I'm also a YouTuber, Church pianist, twin Dad and husband of 6 years to my sweet Lily.

Since early high school, I've been teaching adults how flow, improvise and play freely on the piano. In fact, the way I've gotten 237,000+ subscribers and 18 MILLION views on YouTube...

And over 23,174 enrolled students on my website is...

...through my unique FOCUS on simple syncopation, creative chord voicing & melodic fillers to embellish your playing.

And after selling my online course for 11 years, teaching my personal adult students, thousands online, playing in Church, and writing music professionally, I realized something...

The Answer?

To Break Away From The Same Boring Way You Play, You Need To Learn In Your Favorite Songs, Not Random Songs OR Exercises...

Take a look at the image below, and really study it.

Write your awesome label here.

You'll see that simple syncopation, melodic gap fillers & creative chord voicing are ALL accounted for - like we've spoken about:

So, if you focus on: Simple syncopation, chord voicing and melodic gap fillers in songs you know and love...then you will finally "break-free from the same boring way you play"

Let Me Tell How These Tools Work...

Write your awesome label here.

 But, Don't Just Listen To Me...

Here's a Small Sample of My Students Using These 3 Simple Tools...

"Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton...with simple syncopation, melodic gap fillers and chord voicing...

Write your awesome label here.

Hymnal: "Something About That Name"

Write your awesome label here.

"Someone You Loved" - Lewis Capaldi

Write your awesome label here.