

Practice a Day

Guided Videos

"The Beginner's Guide To Playing by Ear in 14 Days or Less"

Dear (Adult) Pianist,

Is years of determination the only way to sound natural on the piano?

Will the repetitive practice EVER end?

Will sheet music EVER help me play freely?

These are all amazing questions... that literally nobody has the answer to.

Wouldn't it be great if someone finally could come along and show you...

 to get control of you hands...

HOW to unlock more creativity and freedom while playing your favorite songs...

And HOW to ensure you master the foundation to playing naturally using left hand rhythm activation...

Without Relying On Sheet Music At All?

You in?

If you are, then read on...

Because you’ll find two things on this page. 

Firstly → The special "doo doos & tapping" method I developed with 100's of my personal adult students to help coordinate your hands QUICKLY...and help you learn how to use rhythm properly to fill out songs you love.

Secondly â†’ If the "doo doos & tapping" method gets you quick results, I'd like to invite you into my training center that my team and I are beta testing right now.


Before we get ahead of ourselves...

You *Definitely* Don't Have
Problems Playing The Same Boring Patterns.

Let me explain. Problems playing the same boring patterns isn't the issue... it's rhythm problems.

It's coordination problems. And it's how you practice problems.

This is what I call the "architecture of playing naturally".

So if you've ever tried to just sit at a piano and play FREELY and just defaulted to the boring patterns you always play...you have an architecture problem... even though it looks and feels like a boring patterns problem.

So allow me to run you through a few small questions and scenarios:

  •  Do you hum or sing to help your practice?

     Do you work on your coordination every time you practice?

     Are you taking time to let one hand play while the other does absolutely nothing?

     Are you mastering new songs weekly?

     Do you use any of your body to physically feel the rhythm?

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If you answered NO to any of these questions, I'll triple guarantee your problems playing the same boring patterns is coming from a poor perception of music and HOW to practice to get un-stuck...

The Answer?

3. Little. Shifts.

But *DON'T* Practice The Wrong One

See, depending on how long you've been playing...

It's make or break.

ESPECIALLY since you're most likely feeling discouraged with your piano progress already.

It's simple. I want you to implement these into your practice:

  •  "Doo Doos" & Tapping
     Rhythm Activation
     Nik's Momentum Pushes

In fact, if you could practice each of these 3 little areas for just one minute each, you'd 10x the speed of your results. I've tested it with students.

And the crazy thing is, classical training doesn't touch on any of these areas.

But First, Who am I?

And Why Should You Even Be Listening To Me?

Nice to Meet You   

My name is Nik.

I'm a piano teacher with a Civil Engineering degree (just in case I couldn't do music for a living).

Since early high school, I've been teaching adults how to play like me. In fact, the way I've gotten 234,000+ subscribers and almost 18,000,000 views on YouTube is...

...through my unique FOCUS on playing by ear, then using left hand rhythm and simple improvisation to fill out your favorite songs.
And after teaching my personal adult students, thousands online, playing in Church, and writing music professionally, I realized something:

"Traditional Lessons Do Not  Teach You How To Flow, Improvise and Feel Your Music..."

And I pieced together, bit-by-bit, over many years, the best way to help frustrated adult pianists play freely and naturally....

The *Actual* Truth...

"The Easiest Way To Begin Playing Naturally..."

Is by Focusing On Three Things...




Increments help tapping which feeds rhythm and unlocks that natural sound.